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Being cleared for an NDIS plan is just the first part of the process. After that, you need to implement it.
How you do that, though, isn’t always clear. That’s where our NDIS Support Coordinators with Whole Hearts and Minds Services in Stafford, Brisbane, can help. Support Coordination lets you make the best possible use of your plan and helps you to build capacity. Our coordinators are here to help you every step of the way.
Our NDIS support coordination helps you in five main ways:
The purpose of NDIS Support Coordination is to help you build the skill to understand your plan. We will work with you to ensure that you have access to a mix of support that will help you to manage service delivery, improve your relationships, and live more independently in the community. Eventually, you may feel confident in arranging your own plan. At that point, you will no longer require support.
Who Qualifies for an NDIS Support Coordinator with Whole Hearts and Minds Services?
There are a large number of people living in the wider Brisbane area who are currently on NDIS plans. However, not all of them receive NDIS support coordination.
Whether NDIS support coordination is a part of your plan depends on your circumstance. The NDIS makes funding available for support coordination where it is “reasonable and necessary” to help you achieve your goals. The agency provides it in addition to any existing support you may be getting from friends, family and other government or community services.
Your NDIS plan usually states the level of support that you require. For some, service access support requirements are minimal while for others, given their complex needs, they are extensive. Furthermore, even if you do not qualify for funding, you can still choose to purchase a level of support that meets your needs.
Here are some signs that you have found a great NDIS support coordinator:
If you’re looking for helpful NDIS Support Coordinators, contact us today. Our team has extensive knowledge surrounding the NDIS and how to navigate it, alongside a multitude of experience navigating mainstream systems. Our support coordinators are highly qualified and skilled in mental health, trauma and disability.